Embrace the challenge; At Trinax, we set high expectations, ensuring your journey with us is not just a career but a fulfilling adventure.

Joel Goh, CEO of Trinax

Joining Trinax means embracing a culture that thrives on discipline, effective communication, exemplary work quality, and upholding our cherished values. Our expectations extend beyond mere job performance; we seek individuals who bring a high level of intensity, positive energy, and leadership to each day, fostering an environment where passion, craftsmanship, and punctuality drive our collective success.

While acknowledging the demanding nature of working at Trinax, we believe that the challenges come hand in hand with a profound sense of fulfillment and well- deserved rewards. We take pride in cultivating an environment where everyone discovers fulfillment and a genuine sense of purpose in contributing to the success of our shared journey. At Trinax, we value not just what you do, but how you do it, recognizing that our collective commitment to excellence is the key to our continued success.


Trinax turns dreams into reality, a vision fulfilled by multi-disciplinary engineers and the Trinax pillars - Experiential, Innovation and Acceleration. When interconnected, these pillars enable Trinax to provide innovative solutions that merge creativity with technology.


We believe in the power of interactive experiences to connect, captivate and inspire. 

We blend creativity with cutting-edge technology to craft meaningful, unforgettable experiences that leave a profound impact.


Innovation is the heartbeat of Trinax.

We thrive on pushing boundaries, embracing emerging technologies, and pioneer solutions that transform ideas into reality.


At Trinax, we streamline processes, and optimise resources.

We empower clients with innovative solutions delivered promptly, ensuring they stay ahead in a fast-paced world.

IN 2024

In a recent endeavor, we’ve transformed our office space to create an atmosphere conducive to collaboration, brainstorming, and craftsmanship, providing our team with an inspiring environment.


At Trinax, we offer a diverse range of activities to promote continuous learning, celebrate success, and build a collaborative, close-knit team. Our workshops, seminars, and training sessions keep our team at the forefront of industry trends. We celebrate our achievements with regular events, award ceremonies, and milestone celebrations. Team-building activities like offsite retreats and creative challenges foster strong relationships and a supportive culture. Wellness programs, including fitness classes and mindfulness sessions, ensure our team's well-being.

Join us to experience a dynamic and enriching workplace! Visit our LinkedIn and Instagram to find out more.


Config APEC 2024

AI Trailblazer Season 2

Business Network100

National Museum Singapore, Playdate Opening/Launch Event

2024 CNY Celebrations

Feng shui Talk by UOB & YZS

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2022 Christmas Celebration

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2020 CNY Celebrations

inside trinax
voices of innovation

Introducing a new video content series featuring employee interviews that highlight our unique culture and insights at work. This series provides a humanised perspective of Trinax, showcasing how we consistently deliver exceptional experiences.

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Discover insights from our current and former team members as they share their as they share their valuable experiences with you.


At Trinax, we believe that our unique culture and style of working are what set us apart. Our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning creates an environment where creativity thrives and exceptional ideas come to life. We invite you to get a closer look at what makes Trinax a dynamic and exciting place to work.

Follow Us on LinkedIn and Instagram
Discover the behind-the-scenes moments that drive our success by following us on LinkedIn and Instagram. On LinkedIn, you’ll find updates on our latest projects, insights into our industry, and stories about our team’s achievements. Our Instagram showcases the vibrant and energetic atmosphere at Trinax, featuring highlights from our daily activities, events, and team celebrations.

Explore more and see why Trinax is the perfect place to build your career!

Interactive Webar Experiences

Looking for WebAR activations by scanning an image and not another QR code via your mobile web browser? Want to create Instagram-like experiences such as gamification with facial movement recognition on web?

Click the button below to get in touch with us and create your own WebAR campaign now!

We produce award-winning


We are excited to offer you our trusted platform that consists of a wide spectrum of design options, plugins and add-ons. If you’re based in Singapore, we power the entire Virtual Event from end to end at our 360 Virtual Event Studio right here with our dedicated team.
Going hybrid that is truly interconnected digitally?