Wayfinder System

The Chevrons

Launched in 2018

Find your way around The Chevrons through this interactive wayfinder. Besides leading patrons to a specific vendor, details about events, promotions and facilities are packaged into Chevron’s digital platform. 

What is the Experience?

When in doubt, consult this wayfinder kiosk to be lead to your destination at a tap of the screen. A distinct line will be shown on-screen to direct visitors in a step-by-step guide to the vendor. 

While the main function consists of being a wayfinder for new visitors, secondary features are available as well. Patrons can also navigate around the application to uncover information and historic pictures about the building’s heritage and get the latest news and promotions. 

Selecting the “Take a Photo” option will activate the kiosk’s camera, where photo frames and stickers can be overlaid onto the image for a candid photo shoot!

What is the Objective?

To implement a holistic digital solution that fulfills the needs of consumers, encompassing essential information and photography for the benefit of the patron.

How Does It Work?

The user is greeted with an interactive LED touchscreen that shows a range of categories, each with a variety of purposes. For visitors who require directions, the wayfinder section will create a coloured line – navigating through the displayed floor plans – that starts from the wayfinder’s location and ends at the destination vendor. Other categories will lead to informative pages that showcase relevant information as well. 

The photo taking section allows the user to choose different photo frames and stickers to be inserted into their image. These stickers can be resized according to the user’s preference, with the final image available for download if they input their personal email address. 

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