DBS Marina Regatta
Projection Dome


Launched in 2017

This massive event saw the installation of two majestic 9 and 7.5 metre tall domes at the regatta. Reaching a height of 7.5 metres, the Bay Dome will offer an immersive interactive art experience – Singapore’s largest – with an illustrated projection of the Marina Bay skyline.

What is the Experience?

DBS Marina Regatta is Singapore’s Biggest Bay Festival and in 2017, its highlights included two impressive projection domes featuring spectacular projection displays, a smart recycling station as well as self-redemption machines, forming a web of interactive experiences that wowed the event participants.

What is the Objective?

This annual event aims to provide an exciting line-up of activities for all ages to enjoy. Situated in Marina Bay, the domes replicated Singapore’s iconic landscape, allowing visitors to exercise their active imagination to envision the Singapore of tomorrow in a cozy and futuristic environment. With the smart recycling station and self-redemption machines, the event also sought to drive home the importance of recycling to ensure a sustainable city for all to live in.

How Does It Work?

One side of the dome acts as a huge canvas for visitors to fill up with interesting avatars or leave messages while letting their imaginations run wild. Using a digital touch screen in front of the projection wall or their mobile phones, users can select cute animations ranging from Pokemon to helicopters. The result is a jaw-dropping landscape that they can sit back, relax and admire on the cushy artificial turf.

Outside the dome, participants can drop their empty drink bottles into the smart recycling station to receive an exclusive QR code. Participants can then scan the QR code to redeem a gift. Not only can participants do their part for the environment by recycling their bottles, they also receive a token of appreciation for their efforts. This instant gratification generates a strong feel-good factor which contributes to an all-round unique and memorable experience.

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Interactive Webar Experiences

Looking for WebAR activations by scanning an image and not another QR code via your mobile web browser? Want to create Instagram-like experiences such as gamification with facial movement recognition on web?

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